Arabic Alphabets Defination

The 1st Letter of Arabic Alphabets ALIF

The 2nd Letter of Arabic Alphabets BAA

The 3rd Letter of Arabic Alphabets - Taa

The 4th Letter of Arabic Alphabets - Thaa

The 5th Letter of Arabic Alphabets - Jeem

The 6th Letter of Arabic Alphabets - Haa

The 7th Letter of Arabic Alphabets - Khaa

The 8th Letter of Arabic Alphabets - Daal

The 9th Letter of Arabic Alphabets - Dhal

The 10th Letter of Arabic Alphabets - Raa

The 11th Letter of Arabic Alphabets - Zaa

The 12th Letter of Arabic Alphabets - Seen

The 13th Letter of Arabic Alphabets - Sheen

The 14th Letter of Arabic Alphabets - Sa'ad